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Archive for the category “Life”

Love · Life · Fun (IV)

A Year half-progressed.  Let’s sit down and write/read with me.

June has always been a bump, of all the months in a year with the birth month curse. However, I’d kicked off with a vacation of which I have work hard (on my body) for. A vacation planned in advance is a vacation body-works-worthy, because a fit body can reasonably be achieved in 6 months! (And then perhaps rest for 6 months before another summer vacation kicks in in 12 months.)

Oh-la-lah~ Summer vacation!

Bamboo Island

Krabi, Thailand is a remotely urban island which in recent years getting flooded by tourists. Nonetheless, it’s a good destination for its low expenses.

but it can get (too) crowded. ☹

Moving away from the beaches (pun intended), Emerald Pool is another interesting spot with naturally emerald mineral pool,

which is also overtly crowded.

Luckily, 800 meters away is a gem worth the visit – Blue Pool.

A preserved pool with no swimming allowed (thank god they save this pool!).

Here are the rest of the fun:

Legs for sale

Hot babes not for sale

看我的飞毛腿 (Look at my flying hair leg)


Well, in order to support the luxuries, we as hooman have to come back to reality. Life has been changing and it continues in a way I hope, to change someone’s for better.
Because the change being so drastic and the effort to sustain being cumbersome, I was asked if I regret the change. Not in a single way.

Life is not to regret your decision, but to proof it’s right.


To proof it’s right and continue to believe when hope shakes.


NUXE Huile Prodigieuse® Multi-Purpose Dry Oil

✌ Yeay~ Just hit 10k views! One step on the moon!

Before moving forward to 2015, gotta wrap up 2014! I had been invited to an event at Robinson’s The Heeren back in early October (Yes, I know I’m super slacking on updating!) by Don from a local cosmetics distributor. Don also runs a blog!  (=

We were greeted by Ryan, the Regional Education Manager at NUXE. (Psst! Super loving my L’oreal Bloody Mary Matte Lipstick!

NUXERyan Lau,  Nuxe Education Manager

Back to a little history of me and Huile Prodigieuse®. I received a 10ml sample in one of my beauty box probably back in January last year. I wasn’t paying much attention to the dry oil because I don’t particularly like to use oil (I use it after my swim, on my hair only).

After all the education (by the cheecky Ryan), I’ve finally mastered the ultimate knowledge to unlock the goodness of Huile Prodigieuse® (Okay, a l’il exaggerate. But, you get it!)! The title of the post pretty much says it all for this prodigious oil. So, I’ll skip to my usage of the oil.

Hair Nourish:
NUXE Huile Prodigieuse® Hair Nourish

My overnight hair (not expired, fret not!) frizzy resulted from the turning and tossing in the morning refusing to get up.

How to Rescue?

1. Spritz oil onto palm and lightly rub over hands (as if you’re moisturizing your hands)
2. Run hands into hair (think you’re on the beach and you’re sexily tousling your hair)

and tada’ah! I have tousle, beach hair!

Now, if you realize (means you have been reading some of my posts), I’ve always been in a hard relationship with my skin. Let’s see if how this oil provides immediate relieve.

Skin Moisturizer:

NUXE Huile Prodigieuse® : Dry scaly skin
My dry scaly skin

How to Rescue?

1. Spritz oil onto palm and lightly rub to warm the oil
2. Press oil on affected skin (remember not to rub over dry skin as friction WILL worsen you condition. Been there done that!)

NUXE Huile Prodigieuse® : Press on skin

NUXE Huile Prodigieuse® : Relieved skin

After applying Huile Prodigieuse®

I’ve also been using the oil for my face since I’m sleeping in the air-conditioning room to prevent moisture lost during the night.

An overall 4★ out of 5 because of its convenience and immediate relieve for dryness, no more packing up moisturizer, body lotion and hair spritz!






Posted from WordPress for lunabyss


人們常說〝唉… 遇上了錯的人。〞




時間,總會讓你長大;挫折,讓你成長。愛 Read more…

About Passion


I doubt myself to have been living with passion. I envy those living ardor. I envy those catching dreams.

But, is passion always come burning flame? Is passion always rush fulfilling reverie?

It feels empty inside, without passion. You feel not the compelling emotion, nor the strong ardor.

But, my heart is brim, my mind fervours.

After all, my passion is love.

You Are The Special One

You Are The Special One

Everything is awesome! ❤






I AM. – Timeline Photos.




那些年的遇見,原來讓我勇敢多一些; 那些年的遇見,原來讓我遇見你。


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