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Archive for the month “May, 2012”

Thou Shalt Love

Thou shalt Love.

The Grown Up Kids

To my avid followers, of whom there are none: as I promised. Image













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Simple Life

It is a beautiful Saturday. So, I sit down, and write. Sounds simple enough? Bland and ordinary?

Have you ever thought, then, how much time you can afford to do this simple little thing? Exactly how much time you can spend quietly alone, listening to the rain; easing out your mind.

To live, is to achieve. Achieve an equilibrium that never leave you doubting. It is a matter of choice. Choose the one that you firmly believe. Because if you do not, chances are, you will never do; the one you have faith in. Because if you have not, chances are, you will never have.

Can you afford this simple life?

The Art of Contradiction

Complicated, as I would describe myself. But now, I found another fit. The easiest way to explain, is by going through this list below:

1- I dislike onion in my dish, would pick them all out for my apetite sake. But, I eat onion rings. To justify, onion rings are some blardy food!
2- I dislike carrot. Action taken to be refer to the above. But, I drink carrot juice. Justification: carrot juice is a freaking drink!

It is believed that the list could stretch a scroll but for your reading sake, I keep it short and sweet and I believe you get what I am trying to convey here.

Because in life, you can always choose from Black, White and Grey. I see the point of Grey’s existance. To fill in the spaces in between. Life is not about Left or Right, I mean, Wrong or Right, there’s always that fine line where everything impossible lies. Because with time, things change. There is no certainty that is certain. With such contradictions, we find space to argue; with such contradictions, we find limit to challenge.

Thus, my life is ought to be living with such contradictions.

p/s: I hate garlic. Kindly note that no argument will be entertained regarding such fact.

Seven Things That Are Underrated (if you ask me)…

Definitely #1! I even met guys that don’t shake firmly. *Tsk tsk tsk*

Whorable Encounter

Thank you for participating in my life. But roll over, b*tch. I’m done walking behind you and sorry to let you walked all over me. You may now step out of my life.

Ouh opps! I’m the b*tch.

You? The Wh*re.

Going On and Moving On

Thanks for the memory, please carry on with your life.

Sexy Look Strawberry Blackhead and Pore Cleanser

Spread all over face where needed some blackheads clearing.

Wait until the mask is totally dry before you peel off. Usually 40-50mins (to shorten waiting time, you can stand infront of table fan X_X).

Make sure you peel it off in one go. Although it’s painful, but it’s definitely worth the pain! T__T

These are the ones you’ll forever fail to remove with your bare hand/nails! Oh, so inetresting!

This, my friend, is forever fascinating. I can look at them for half an hour. And probably another half some next and other days. &:’B

The magnificent 3!

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